55 Bartley Rd Long Valley, NJ 07853 United States
Volition Farm specializes in sales and training of jumpers, hunters, and equitation horses. Training from short stirrup to Grand Prix.
Chester VDL - aka Skara Glen's Machu Pichu
Amis Des Gemmes - Grand Prix YJC and Amateur Winner
VDL Theresa Lady - Young Rider's Jumper
Santa Ana Lux Z - YJC final ribbon winner, now competing and winning 1.40m
Palm Sunday - aka Sprint - Grand Prix and multiple YJC winner
Attraction - Champion Jr Jumper
Gandor De Walput - Grand Prix Horse
Cantissimo VDL - 2nd 6yr old championships winner Jr/Am jumpers
Classical King - Jr Jumper winner and evented Inetermediate
Volumia - winner 1.45m jumpers and Jr/Am Jumpers
Cortender - Grand Prix and YJC winner
Chinedine PPZ - Winner YJC, Amateur jumpers and Grand Prix
Pepe - Ribbon winner YJC
Child Z - Placings in Grand Prix and Amateur Jumpers
Timeless - Jr/Am ribbon winner
Viola VDL - Child/Adult winner
Splendid VDL - Jr/Am jumper champion + Equitation
Calau - Jr/Am small grand prix
Caramba VDL - YJC placings and Jr/Am jumpers
Profyta Velvet VDL- Hi Jr Jumper & Eq winner
EWSZ Jasebell - green jumper propect
Capri - winner through 1.30m and equitation
VDL Wizard - winner in YJC and Amateur jumpers
Wrenegade winner YJC and 1.40m
Casper - winner Child/Adult jumpers
Prelude winner eq and 1.40m jumpers
Jackson - Competitive Jr/Am Jumper
Chanel - winner 1.35m through hunters
Godspeed - YJC reserve champion 4 yr olds.
Valotti VDL - Winner in 1.40m and Jr/Am jumpers
VDL Las Vegas - Champion Jr/Amateur Jumpers
Ben Sky - Winning Child Adult Jumper
Diamante - child/adult winner as well as equitation
Beverly Hills - Champion Jr Jumper
Singularity - Winning Jr/Amateur Jumper
VDL Dundee - YJC championship winner & 1.45m jumper
Canon - winner YJC and junior hunters
Wings VDL - 1.35m specialist winner Jr.Am and Adult Jumpers
Nicholas - Jr/Amatuer jumper
Sligo - Jr jumper packer
Arizona VDL YJC and Amateur Jumper winner
Carlucci - YJC and Jr Jumper winner
VDL White Chocalate - YJC winner
Runaround Sue - winner YJC
Cancun Z - YJC and Grand Prix winner
VDL Testa Rossa - winner 1.30m and equitation
Greylyn Fair - children/adult jumper
Cassia Catalina - Champion Jr/Am & Child Adult Jumper
VDL White Sox - Champion Jr/Am 1.40 jumper
Ra - YJC and amateur winner
Arizona VDL - 1.30 amateur winner and jr hunter
Cash Money - YJC and amateur winner
DonnerVogel - amateur jumper and YJC winner
Hope - Jr Jumper, Jr Hunter, Eq horse
Denmark II - Jr Jumper champion